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Uberspace tools

[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace

Configure your Uberspace account.

usage: uberspace <sub-command> [options]
       uberspace --help

Possible commands:
  mail - Configure mail server.
  port - Open ports in the firewall for direct TCP or UDP connections.
  takeout - Help for 'takeout' (Beta)
  tools - Manage command line tools and programming languages.
  web - Configure web server.

[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools

Manage command line tools and programming languages.

Possible commands:
  restart - Restart your running services.
  version - Manage installed versions of command line tools and programming languages.

[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools restart

Restart your running services.

Possible commands:
  php - restart your php-fpm instance

[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version

Manage installed versions of command line tools and programming languages.

Possible commands:
  list - List available versions
  show - Show selected version
  use - Select version

[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list
- couchdb
- erlang
- mongodb
- node
- php
- postgresql
- prolog
- ruby
- rust
[$USER@$SERVER ~]$ uberspace tools version show -h
usage: uberspace-tools-version-show [-h] [-v] feature

Show selected version

required arguments:
  feature        the feature which should be modified (e.g. php)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  run with a lot of debugging output
[$USER@$SERVER ~]$ uberspace tools version use -h
usage: uberspace-tools-version-use [-h] [-v] feature release

Select version

required arguments:
  feature        the feature which should be modified (e.g. php)
  release        release version number in the form of "Major" (e.g. "7") or
                 "Major.Minor" (e.g. "7.0") you wish to set

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  run with a lot of debugging output

available versions

[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ date
Wed 20 Apr 17:55:51 CEST 2022
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list couchdb
- 3
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list erlang
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list mongodb
- 4.0
- 4.2
- 4.4
- 5.0
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list node
- 12
- 14
- 16
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list php
- 7.4
- 8.0
- 8.1
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list postgresql
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list prolog
- stable
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list ruby
- 2.5
- 2.6
- 2.7
- 3.0
[$USER@$HOSTNAME ~]$ uberspace tools version list rust
- stable

someone should make a debugger for rust and call it wd40... (it's my joke from over five years ago 😊)